

Strong Stock Performance for Major US Gas Companies in 2010

Robert W. Baird & Co (www.rwbarid.com) provides research coverage on 20 industrial distributors and service companies, including the US publicly-traded gas companies Airgas (ARG), Air Products (APD), and Praxair (PX). Baird produces a quarterly industrial distribution survey and recently partnered with CryoGas International to...


CryoGas International is partnering with Robert W. Baird & Co. to provide quarterly reports on the state of the US Gases and Welding & Cutting Distributor segment from the perspective of the broader US Industrial Distribution industry. Baird, an international wealth management...

The 2009 Latin American Business Report

In February, I reported on the financial results for the major players in the Latin American region, and noted that signs of an economic recovery were showing. (See “The Latin American Business Report,” CGI, February 2010, pp. 44–46.) This article presents an economic...

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