
Brainstorming for Success

Value Stream Mapping (VSM) describes a process by charting the materials and information flow of a product or a service along a value chain. Part of Lean Thinking, VSM is a business practice that aims to eliminate waste. This processes was...

The Case for Recycled Carbon Dioxide

With the on-going political discussion of carbon cap-and-trade, sequestration, and other environmental initiatives, Cool Clean Technologies, Inc. (www.coolclean.com) has witnessed confusion among its customers that are considering the purchase of carbon dioxide-based equipment for cleaning, cooling, and extraction applications.

Feedstocks Evolve with the Production of Ethanol

The future of ethanol production in the US is from cellulosic- and algae-based feedstock facilities. By-product CO2 (crude feed) from these plants will be a target of sequestration projects, used as feedstock for liquid merchant CO2 plants, and used in industrial...

Monitoring Carbon Dioxide

What Lies Beneath the Weddell Sea  Linde Gas (www.lindegas.com), a division of The Linde Group, has an agreement with the University of East Anglia (UEA) in the United Kingdom to support ANDREX (Antarctic Deep Water Rates of Export), a project that...

The US Merchant Carbon Dioxide Market Report

Within the US merchant carbon dioxide (CO2) market, changes to patterns in CO2 sourcing and changes in demand regionally, continued to reshape the business in 2009 as they have over the past five-plus years (see “Carbon Dioxide — A Market on the...

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