

Independent Distributors Transforming the Playing Field

Distributors must focus on solutions that take them from their current business state to a desired future business state. As discussed in my previous article, this is done “Through Customer Driven Continuous Improvement.” (See “Independent Distributors Transforming the Playing Field,” CGI,...

Inside a Thin Film Crystalline Solar Cell Fabrication Plant

The rapid expansion of photovoltaic manufacturing capacity has brought significant developments in technological capabilities, most notably the development of thin film photovoltaics (PV). Historically, PV cells are made using silicon wafers (known as crystalline silicon technology), but in thin film technology, the...

Japan’s Role in the Global Electronics Supply Chain

In this article, writers from The Gas Review (www.gasreview.co.jp), Japan’s premiere monthly news publication covering industrial gases and energy economics in Asia, share with us the ways in which the devastating earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011, affected the Japanese and...

The Project Morpheus Lander

NASA’s Johnson Space Center’s (JSC) Mission Control in Houston, TX, takes control of a mission as soon as a spacecraft is launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. But Houston, also known as Space City, has not fired a rocket...

Latin America

gasworld’s second visit to South America saw around 150 delegates gather from across the globe. The event proved a prominent platform for the region in which participants discussed the key success factores for sustaining growth.

Carbon Negative Power Plants

Global Thermostat LLC (GT) (www.global thermostat.com) was formed in 2006 to develop and commercialize a unique technology for the direct capture of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and other sources. The GT process “co-generates” carbon capture with other industrial processes—such as power...

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