MAP – Fresh thinking
Marketeers seeking to explain the continuing growth in demand for gas blends used in Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP), point to lifestyle factors related to urbanisation as the underlying impetus.
Marketeers seeking to explain the continuing growth in demand for gas blends used in Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP), point to lifestyle factors related to urbanisation as the underlying impetus.
When planning market strategies industrial gas suppliers are constrained by the reality that atmospheric gases cannot be delivered at competitive cost beyond a certain radius, but benefit from the universal availability of the process feedstock...
When CO2 is the subject of discussion, outside of those in the gas trade, it is usually associated with greenhouse gases, a gas exhaled endlessly, and soft drinks. As those in the gas industry know...
Unlike many other chemical manufacturing processes, the manufacture of atmospheric gases (oxygen, nitrogen and argon) produces virtually no harmful or undesirable by-products at all.
When delving into the world of mergers and acqusitions (M&A) as applied to the industrial gases industry, it’s worth first understanding the huge capital cost and dynamics that comprise the industry itself.
Broadly speaking there are two fundamental issues that make compliance a strategic imperative for the gases industry: the first is public safety and the second is the energy efficiency that in turn influences their carbon...