
Author - Maura D. Garvey

Biography to follow.

The US Nitrogen Market Report

Despite bumps in the economic landscape, demand for nitrogen has remained fairly steady in the US markets since our last report. In this article, we examine the sectors that have kept the nitrogen market relatively buoyant. Nitrogen production plants,...

The Worldwide Industrial Healthcare Market

The healthcare market for the industrial gas industry is characterized by gas producers and distributors that supply oxygen, nitrous oxide, anesthesia gases, special mixtures, and related services. An array of new gases, related equipment, and healthcare technologies, including a broadening of the...

The US Air Gases Market Report

Air gases, namely oxygen, nitrogen, and argon, are the largest and most dynamic markets within the industrial gas industry. By volume and value, oxygen and nitrogen are our industry’s “bread and butter” products and together represent the biggest generator of total...

The US Merchant Carbon Dioxide Market Report

Within the US merchant carbon dioxide (CO2) market, changes to patterns in CO2 sourcing and changes in demand regionally, continued to reshape the business in 2009 as they have over the past five-plus years (see “Carbon Dioxide — A Market on the...

The Healthcare Market Report

A look at the industrial gas industry’s past year of activities in medical markets reveals resiliency in the healthcare segment. Unlike other commercial and industrial markets, healthcare is driven by medical care — one of life’s necessities. 

Carbon Dioxide — A Market on the Move

Within the US carbon dioxide market, changes to patterns in CO2 sourcing and changes in demand regionally continued to reshape the business in 2008 as they did in 2007. (See “The Carbon Dioxide Market Update — Bubbling with Energy Again This Year,”...

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