
Author - Maura D. Garvey

Biography to follow.

  The worldwide helium market continues to be marked by uncertainty. The future of the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) helium reservoir remains undecided and is awaiting legislation that will determine its role, as new sources of helium are...

The US Industrial Gas Market Report

  CryoGas International’s assessment of industrial gas demand in the US for the remainder of 2012 and into 2013 is slow but steady. Input from industrial gas leaders and company financials confirm that the industrial gas industry is growing despite...

The 2011 Electronics Market Report

Industrial gas companies support the two distinct market segments of the semiconductor industry—silicon and compound—with many of their product offerings serving both segments. The industrial gas industry produces a variety of specialty and tonnage gases, specialty and bulk chemicals, and services...

Change Is Good—The 2011 Carbon Dioxide Report

The carbon dioxide (CO2) industry is a complex one. Some companies within the industry both produce and distribute CO2, others buy crude and process it, while others are strictly distributors. The CO2 itself is delivered as crude, gas, liquid, and...

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