GAWDA Membership Recruitment Effort Firmly Underway
If you’ve ever thought about joining the Gases and Welding Distributors Association (GAWDA), now is a perfect time to look into the many benefits and advantages that membership provides.
If you’ve ever thought about joining the Gases and Welding Distributors Association (GAWDA), now is a perfect time to look into the many benefits and advantages that membership provides.
With over 90 years of experience in package gases and distributor sales, operations, and administration we have developed a Performance Metrics & Benchmarking Program for US Gas &Welding (G&W) Distributors. The foundation of this program...
Imagine knowing exactly how much gas was at each customer site and being able to plan deliveries with complete efficiency. This would be an ideal scenario for packaged gas distributors, because it would solve one...
Anyone remember phone booths? How about computers with monitors that were a foot thick? Then came cell phones the size of a carry-on bag, weighing in at 4.4 pounds. Now, all those things are integrated...
Successful businesses never stop managing disruption. This subject became front and center for Gases and Welding Distributor Association (GAWDA) this year when its current President, Bill Visintainer, made this the theme for his term.
Standardization is important to sustaining high performing processes and ultimately competitive excellence. We continuously expect more out of our processes, which are expected to produce predictable results, and this is where Standardization and Continuous Improvement...
The recovery of the industrial gas business from 2012 through 2014 was strong, five percent per year, driven by price and volume with manufacturing being a bright spot, a significant driver for the industrial gas...
The Gases and Welding Distributor Association’s (GAWDA) mission is to promote the safe operation and economic vitality of distributors of industrial gases and related welding equipment and supplies. Through information, services, and networking opportunities, GAWDA...
Since its founding in 1940, Memphis-based nexAir has been a leader in the distribution of industrial, medical, and specialty gases, including hydrogen. The company currently has two hydrogen plants, one in Memphis, Tennessee and the...
Ultimately, industrial demand for hydrogen is met via recovery of byproduct hydrogen or on-purpose production of hydrogen. Hydrogen is produced on-purpose by the consuming industry (also known as captive production) and by merchant gas companies....