
Author - Christian Annesley

Christian Annesley
Christian Annesley, US Editor

Christian Annesley is Editor of the US edition of gasworld. Before joining gasworld, Christian was Editor-In-Chief of South West Business Insider magazine. It was his second stint heading up editorial at Insider, after being the title’s launch editor in 2007. For a decade from 2012 Christian fronted Annesley Media, an events-focused communications agency with a mix of publisher and B2B business clients. Christian has also written about enterprise technology for leading publications and industry-leading businesses for almost two decades.

Helium Super Summit 2023

This year’s gasworld Helium Super Summit brought together a record-breaking 400 delegates in Houston to explore helium markets, activity, and prospects from all sides. Christian Annesley reports on a fascinating three days

White hot? The search for natural hydrogen

Green hydrogen is still expensive and intensive to produce, even if heavy investment from here should move the dial quickly. Could natural hydrogen provide the long-term answer to clean and cost-effective hydrogen production? Christian Annesley...

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