
Special features

Process equipment fabrication

The growth in the clean energy sector and the associated emergence of new technologies, such as those required to secure the supply of low-carbon hydrogen or ensure energy efficient processing of energy reserves, is unstoppable.

A key challenge to reducing argon costs

Many common manufacturing processes in metals, aerospace, automotive, medical, silicon, and a range of other industries require an inert environment and use argon to achieve it. The argon used in these processes is very pure,...

In focus…Onsite gas generation

As the second wave of Covid-19 struck India, the demand for medical oxygen skyrocketed. Industry was forced to divert oxygen supplies to the medical sector, initiating a global effort by organisations such as the World...

Low-cost, low-carbon hydrogen production

Hydrogen will play an important role in a decarbonised, climate-neutral energy system. Emerging technologies, such as thermolysis of wastes, the use of plasma for methane splitting and in-situ underground gasification of fossil fuel reserves are...

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