

What is ROCE?

Return on capital employed (ROCE) is a profitability ratio that measures how efficiently a company can generate profits from its capital employed by comparing net operating profit to capital employed.

Country Focus – Thailand

This month’s country focus explores the rapidly growing industrial gas market in Thailand, as well as the impact the potential Praxair/Linde merger could have on dynamics in the region.

Regional Focus – Iberia

The Iberian industrial gas market, incorporating Portugal and Spain, was valued at just over $1.4bn in 2015. The region has experienced growth of 1.4% p.a. over the course of the last decade (2005-2015).

What is the Air Products Five-Point Plan?

On the 18th of September 2014, newly appointed CEO Seifi Ghasemi introduced the Air Products Five-Point Plan. Prior to his appointment at Air Products, Ghasemi has had a history of successfully restructuring companies under his control.

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