

Issue 133 June Supplement 2016

This first-ever helium supplement from gasworld magazine picks up the trail from the maelstrom of uncertainty in the global helium business in recent years, and explores the current trends and technologies in the industry as...

Issue 132 May 2016

Accounting for up to 40-50% of air gas industry costs, bulk gas delivery is a big deal in the industrial gases business – and only getting bigger, as gasworld explores this May. From trends in...

Issue 131 April 2016

This April gasworld gets to grips with changes in the global hydrogen market, from captive vs. merchant in the refinery hydrogen business to the growing momentum for the hydrogen economy and its implications.

Issue 130 March Supplement 2016

The rigours of gas analysis and control continue to escalate as the quest for purity intensifies and compliance grows ever-tighter. All of which and more is reflected here in this supplement, a collection of features...

Issue 130 March 2016

A staple of the manufacturing sector and industrial gas demand, the cutting and welding business continues to evolve. This March gasworld explores the role of industrial gases in cutting and welding applications, and the challenges...

Issue 129 February 2016

Packaged gases are a fundamental part of the supply chain, representing as much as 40% of global industrial gas delivery. This cornerstone of the business is gas world’s focus this February, exploring cylinder filling and...

Issue 128, January 2016

gasworld’s January 2016 issue examines the precariously balanced global helium business. From the challenges ahead in the market to helium recovery technologies, gasworld has helium firmly covered this January. With shortages in the market widely...

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