
gasworld (Digital Edition)

Issue 184 August 2020 – Medical

Covid-19, coronavirus. This year, it’s the medical issue to end all medical issues – an edition devoted to the biggest healthcare crisis we’ve seen in decades and our industry’s remarkable role in responding to the...

Issue 181 May 2020

It’s a case of cryogenics meets coronavirus in this May 2020 edition of gasworld magazine as we explore the latest trends and calls to action in the former and reflect the news and views of...

Issue 180 April 2020

Cylinders are on the front line in healthcare right now as the world grapples with coronavirus, and we’re getting firmly up close and personal with packaged gases this issue.

Issue 179 March 2020

There’s a firm acceleration in the changing face of the hydrogen business, as it continues to drive forward towards its inevitable role in decarbonising mobility, industry and society alike. This month we explore the rapid...

Issue 178 February 2020

Supercritical CO2 is a hot topic, not least for its application in the textiles industry, where its high solvent power and permeability enables dye to be absorbed easily and deeply into fibres – and eradicate the dependence...

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