
gasworld conferences

Video: Air Products: “We need to look for biogenic sources [of CO2]”

Harco van den Berg, BNL General Manager Industrial Gases at Air Products, spoke exclusively to gasworld following his presentation at its European CO2 Summit 2025.

Video: “There is a role for DAC, the technology isn’t 10 years away”

Rob van Straten, CEO at Skytree, spoke exclusively to gasworld following his presentation at its European CO2 Summit 2025.

Video: What’s new with Helium One?

Lorna Blaisse, CEO at Helium One spoke exclusively to gasworld following her panel session at the Helium Super Summit 2024.

Video: “MENA has a very important part to play in any international company’s portfolio”

Richard Boocock, Director and Principal Consultant at Boocock Advisory Ltd, spoke exclusively to gasworld following his panel session at its MENA Industrial Gases Conference 2024.

Video: “[Saudi Arabian] regulations to attract foreign investment are one of the best in the world”

Rami Nasser, General Manager at Rawabi Integrated Gas, spoke exclusively to gasworld following his presentation at its MENA Industrial Gases Conference 2024.

Video: “The helium supply chain is fragile, it’s going to remain fragile”

Phil Kornbluth, Founder and President at Kornbluth Helium Consulting, spoke exclusively to gasworld ahead of its Houston Helium Super Summit 2024.

Video: Drones: The next real demand driver for helium and semiconductors

Cliff Cain, CEO at The Edelgas Group, spoke exclusively to gasworld at its Houston Helium Super Summit 2024.

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