

Out from under the bus

An ecstatic rep came into my office to declare that he had just made the largest single sale of his career. His impressive negotiating skills had resulted in another significant signed contract. His jubilation was...

LNG: Driving heat exchanger growth

Air Products’ proprietary technology is vital to helping meet the world’s increasing energy needs and desire for clean energy, processing and cryogenically liquefying valuable natural gas for consumer and industrial use.

Distributive energy and LNG in China

Back in 2011, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) of the China government, together with other departments, promulgated a document titled Guidance of Developing Natural Gas Distributive Energy (Fa Gai Neng Yuan[2011] No. 2196) (the Guidance)...

Regional markets – Global update

After a rather disappointing year for the global industrial gases business in 2015, many hoped that 2016 would mark the start of a much-needed recovery. Yet, as all major industrial gas companies released their second...

In focus…Small-scale LNG technologies

Big isn’t always better’ and ‘good things come in small packages.’ These familiar sayings could be applied to the liquefied natural gas (LNG) sector, where small-scale LNG technologies are both big business and often an...

10 minutes with…Mario Paterlini

Take 10 minutes out with Mario Paterlini, CEO of the Sapio Group, as he gives an introduction to Sapio and his observations on the topics trending in the company’s native Italian gases market.

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