Helium, after hydrogen, is the most abundant element in the universe. It was discovered by Pierre Janssen and Norman Lockyer while they were studying an eclipse of the sun.
Steam sparged water bath vaporizers are an extremely effective way to provide vaporization for a diverse range of applications, and offer a high level of reliability where steam is available as a heat source.
Oxygen is synonymous with life in the world of medical gases. When compressed at 200 bar in a cylinder, it becomes a specialist’s matter to integrate advanced functions in a safe and reliable valve system....
Intermodal tank containers have become a staple of bulk liquid logistics worldwide and they are well on the way to achieving similar prevalence where gas transport is concerned.
Having worked during the past 25 years with carbon dioxide (CO2) safety, it has been a fantastic trip within one of the most expanding industries that I know. The different applications and uses of CO2...
Hydrogen is becoming one of the energy-carriers for the future. Due to big challenges facing society, like climate change, global warming, greenhouse gas reduction, and increasing city pollution, hydrogen could play a key role in...
Typically the energy industry has not expended a lot of resources in supply chain optimisation and material management efficiency as the other industries with smaller profit margins have needed to remain competitive in consumer product...
Hydrogen, once a gas more associated with the Hindenburg disaster, has found new life in technological applications within diverse industries such as petroleum, chemical, food, aviation, science, power generation, and manufacturing.