

Bjørn Aadland appointed CFO

Norway based LNG Midstream company Liquiline has announced the appointment of Bjørn Aadland as Chief Financial Officer (CFO). He will take up the position on 1 September 2014.

“Moment of pride” for INOXCVA

Various laboratories around the world have successfully demonstrated the initiation of fusion reaction, which is when two hydrogen isotopes fuse together to form helium and produce heat during this nuclear reaction.

Clarke Energy signs first Algeria deal

Clarke Energy has secured its first power plant sale in Algeria. Algeria has enormous gas reserves and has historically utilised large gas turbines for generating power or diesel fuelled generators in more remote locations.

Record orders for InvenSor

According to a new future study by BP Energy Outlook, global energy demand is set to increase by up to 41% by 2035. This is primarily due to rising demand in emerging nations like China...

Oklahoma GTL plant “go-ahead”

Velocys, the technology innovator for smaller scale gas-to-liquids (GTL), has announced the final investment decision (FID) has been made to proceed with construction of a commercial GTL plant using the company’s technology.

‘Green and clean’ from RTS

With rising costs in electricity generation, increased demand and frequent ‘black outs’ compounded by cable theft, the search for renewable energy power sources is becoming increasingly urgent.

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