Australia turns up heat on LNG royalties
No royalties are paid on 56% of gas exported from Australia including 73% of gas exported from Western Australia, according to the Australia Institute.
No royalties are paid on 56% of gas exported from Australia including 73% of gas exported from Western Australia, according to the Australia Institute.
PSA Singapore (PSA) and Pacific International Lines (PIL) have completed their first trial of low-carbon green shipments, in a joint effort to build more sustainable end-to-end supply chains.
Tree Energy Solutions (TES) and OQ Alternative Energy have signed a Joint Study Agreement to assess the development of an e-NG facility in Oman.
Avfuel Corporation has expanded its sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) network in Europe after securing new supply agreements with Paris Le Bourget, Bordeaux-Mérignac and Clermont-Ferrand Auvergne airports.
The first World Health Organization (WHO) Road to Oxygen Access meeting recently concluded in Dakar, Senegal, uniting 63 member states as well as UN agencies, non-governmental organisations, donors and academic experts.
The European Commission has launched Hy2Move, the fourth Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) in the hydrogen value chain.
Tecnimont S.p.A (MAIRE Group) has been awarded the construction contract for a 1 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) low-carbon ammonia production facility in Abu Dhabi which aims to open in 2027.
Synergia Energy has started a ‘farm out process’ for its Medway Hub Camelot CCS project in the UK, while remaining as designated operator.
Europe’s Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA) – expected to come into force at the end of June – has set a target of 50 million tonnes of annual injection capacity in EU geological CO2 storage sites...
For decades, the infrastructure and processes surrounding the control of industrial gases appear to have remained largely unchanged, serving as the silent backbone of countless industries.