

Video: US helium sanctions: Russian market response

Phil Kornbluth, Founder and President at Kornbluth Helium Consulting, discusses helium sanctions that the US has imposed on Russia and how Russia are navigating these sanctions, on gasworld’s Helium: Navigating Turbulence webinar.

Video: BLM helium assets: the sale to Messer and a decade of change

Phil Kornbluth, Founder and President at Kornbluth Helium Consulting, discusses the sale of the BLM’s helium assets to Messer and how we got there, on gasworld’s Helium: Navigating Turbulence webinar.

Video: Is there still space for new helium explorers to compete?

Phil Kornbluth, Founder and President at Kornbluth Helium Consulting, discusses helium exploration and if he believes there is still space for them in the market, on gasworld’s Helium: Navigating Turbulence webinar.

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