
White Paper: The Economic Benefits of Retrofitting Wet Seal-Equipped Centrifugal Compressors with Gas Seal Technology

There are numerous technologies available to reduce methane emissions from centrifugal compressors equipped with oil seals, including capture and flare; capture and reuse; and retrofitting with a dry gas seal. Although there is a clear need to mitigate methane emissions from wet seal-equipped centrifugal compressors, selecting a migration approach is highly complex. A meaningful evaluation should be situation-specific and include thorough environmental, technical, and economic considerations. In our white paper, John Crane’s experts tackle the issue with depth and clarity.

In addition to discussing the methane mitigation benefits of dry gas seal technologies, our white paper presents a decision-support tool that evaluates three available technology options from an economic and environmental perspective. Download the white paper now to explore:

  • The environmental, safety, reliability, and lifecycle costs of using centrifugal compressors equipped with wet seals
  • The benefits and drawbacks of leading methane mitigation strategies, including capture and flare; capture and reuse; and retrofitting compressors with a dry gas seal
  • How John Crane’s Lifecycle Cost Calculator helps operators and policymakers conduct a robust, accurate and customisable evaluation of existing methane mitigation strategies

  Read John Crane‘s white paper now to explore the benefits of a wet-to-dry gas seal retrofit and access a data-driven tool for understanding its true lifecycle cost benefits.

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