More than 90 years have passed since the SIAD Group designed and manufactured the first-ever oil-free compressor in 1927. Back then, this technology was based upon a reciprocating, vertical cylinder-type compressor frame for acetylene.
Today, SIAD Macchine Impianti (SIAD MI) – the engineering arm of the Italy-based SIAD Group – is leveraging its many decades of experience in the compression of all types and mixtures of gases to design and develop the next generation of oxygen compressor technology.
Here in this white paper from SIAD MI, authored by Sandeep Gadkary – Strategic Advisor of the Board of Directors and COO Compressors Division -, Stefano Amos – Compressors Division Customer Experience Director – and Davide Pozzoni – Marketing Director – and presented by gasworld, key considerations in safety, simplicity, reliability and digitisation are all explored in detail.
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