
Webinar: We can’t wait exclusively for renewables to aid decarbonisation


“Waiting for renewables, exclusively, to give us the decarbonisation lift that we need to deliver is really going to shoot us in the foot.”

Those were the words of Mothusi Pahl, Vice-President of Business Development and Government Affairs at Modern Hydrogen, when he spoke on gasworld’s Circular Economies webinar, sponsored by Nippon Gases.

“I think the primary impediment today is actually at the regulatory and policy level,” he told attendees. “And what we’re seeing a lot in the EU, the US, and within other progressive communities, is that people are almost holding their breath and waiting for the perfect solution.”

Pahl continued, “One major impediment is that many government incentive programmes in the EU, the US, and states like California focus only on renewable energy instead of aiming for complete decarbonisation of industrial and commercial operations using any method.”

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