
WasteCare offers gas bottle and keg retrieval


Having acquired Brooksight Ltd, WasteCare has launched a new service called CanisterCare.
The new facility will specialise in the collection, recovery and re-use of various items. These will include, aerosol cans, non-returnable gas canisters, CO₂ cylinders, fire extinguishers, industrial gas bottles and beer kegs.
Managing Director, Peter Hunt, at WasteCare, remarked, “Brooksight has been the market leader in this niche market for over 20 years. Having national coverage and a dedicated and experienced team, we are confident that synergies with the WasteCare Group will bring both additional recycling opportunities and cost savings to our customers.”
The company was founded in 1980 and endeavours to provide unique recycling and waste management service that enables waste producers from many sectors to manage their waste. The facilities offered are regulated by the EA and DEFRA and benefit from full environmental compliance.

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