
US DOE grants $6m for Texas CO2 transport and storage project


The US Department of Energy (DOE) has announced $6m in funding for a Texas-based project that will transport carbon dioxide (CO2) from onshore industrial and power generation facilities to offshore geologic storage sites.

Expected to connect several CO2 sources from industrial and power facilities around the Port of Corpus Christi to nearby offshore permanent storage sites, the project builds upon a pre-front-end engineering and design (FEED) study.

Now advanced, the developers will use the capital to carry out a further FEED to assess the project’s feasibility. Specifically, this will examine sites of the Mustang Island and Port Aransas North tracts in Texas state waters.

Brad Crabtree, Assistant Secretary of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, said that the country needs to build out the infrastructure to safely transport and store CO2 emissions.

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