
UK will fail Net Zero ‘unless carbon capture rolled out at scale’


The UK will fail to meet its Net Zero targets and transition away from polluting fossil fuels unless carbon capture is rolled out at scale, the Scottish Affairs Committee warns today.

Scotland could hold the key to hydrogen and carbon capture capacity since it has extensive renewable energy potential which could be the natural home for green hydrogen, with skills from the oil and gas sector ready to be transitioned to hydrogen and carbon capture as the UK looks beyond fossil fuels.

Existing infrastructure in Scotland allows for opportunities to reform gas into hydrogen at St Fergus, and the nation has access to secure geological storage of carbon due to North Sea oil and gas fields, the Committee states.

Further, there are 180GW of recoverable installed wind capacity in Scottish waters, which vastly exceeds Scotland’s and much of the UK’s needs, presenting a good opportunity for the UK to take a leading position in the global hydrogen export market.

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