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© GeoPura

UK MOD completes hydrogen power trial with GeoPura

GeoPura solutions and the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) have completed a hydrogen power trial which involved electricity generation for recharging vehicles.

It marked the first military application of the technology, and a milestone for the MOD in advancing alternative energy solutions.

The trial focused on implementing an alternative Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) charging capability using zero-emission green hydrogen-powered units (HPUs) at five key MOD locations, including RAF Leeming, HMNB Devonport, Merville Barracks Colchester, HMS Excellent Portsmouth, and RAF Northolt.

Air Vice-Marshal Rich Pratley, MOD Senior Responsible Owner for the project, said, “This trial has demonstrated the potential of hydrogen as a key enabler of our transition to zero-emissions energy, while also addressing the current challenges posed by our expanding electric vehicle fleet.”

The GeoPura HPUs – which provide power outputs from 250kW up to 1MW – offered reliable and constant source of power to support the scaling of rapid electric vehicle (EV) fleet charging infrastructure.

As the adoption of BEVs increases, insufficient grid capacity can impede expanding recharging needs. HPU removes these limitations, supplementing available grid power, or operating entirely off grid, enabling the MOD to meet expanding EV charging needs.

Matt Barney, Chief Hydrogen Business Officer at GeoPura, said, “By harnessing the power of green hydrogen, our generators ensure rapid charging with zero harmful emissions, completely unrestricted by grid limitations. This not only facilitates the widespread adoption of EVs but also contributes to a cleaner and more sustainable future for Defence operations on a wider scale.”

The HPUs provided a mix of AC and fast DC charging capabilities, operating at differing charging speeds to align with operational requirements.

With approximately 120,000 miles driven in vehicles charged via the HPUs over the course of the trial, hydrogen has proven to be a reliable and sustainable alternative to support increasing electricity demand within the forces.

Looking ahead, GeoPura is committed to furthering the use of hydrogen across Defence sites, understanding demand signals, developing regulations for military hydrogen use, and enhancing the training of personnel in handling hydrogen-based systems to decarbonise power use and reduce emissions on a wider scale.

GeoPura will leverage insights gained from the trial to drive ongoing research and development efforts, including the development of smaller, more mobile hydrogen systems suited for shorter deployments, as well as larger, more power-dense systems to meet the diverse needs of the operations both in the UK and abroad.

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