
Toyota and Pizza Hut partner to develop H2-powered mobile pizza factory


Pizza Hut has joined forces with Toyota to develop one-of-a-kind, hydrogen (H2) fuel-cell powered, mobile pizza factory with the ability to deliver oven-hot pizza wherever it goes. 

The Tundra PIE Pro, a full-size pizza-making truck, was introduced at Toyota’s 2018 Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Show presentation.

“We are constantly focused on evolving our processes and systems through improvements and innovations that allow our team members and drivers to better serve our customers,” said Nicolas Burquier, Chief Customer and Operations Officer, Pizza Hut, US. 

“We are exploring next-generation solutions and automation to support xand streamline our delivery business in the future. The Tundra PIE Pro and our work with Toyota are only helping accelerate our commitment to transform both the team member and the customer experience at Pizza Hut,” Burquier continued. 

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