
Summit Carbon Solutions’ CO2 pipeline approved in Iowa

The Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) has approved Summit Carbon Solutions base pipeline project that will span around 688 miles and capture and store 12 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually.

Summit Carbon Solutions’ project has seen extensive scrutiny in the US state previously. The IUB carried out an extensive review process over the last 34 months, which was made up of 33 public informational meetings, a public hearing, and a review of around 50,000 pages, among other processes.

Post-review, the IUB unanimously found that Summit Carbon Solutions met the requirements of Iowa Code Chapter 479B and that the pipeline will provide a service that is in the public convenience and necessity.

In reaching its decision, the IUB applied a statutory balancing test, which found the public benefits of the project outweigh the private a public costs with the terms and conditions imposed by the IUB.

Before Summit Carbon Solutions starts construction, it must file proof of general liability insurance policy of no less than $100m to cover any damages related to the construction, operation, and maintenance of its Iowa pipeline.

Summit Carbon Solutions is also not allowed to begin construction in Iowa until it has obtained approval from North Dakota for the route and sequestration site and approval from South Dakota for the route.

The company has submitted a revised pipeline permit application to the North Dakota Public Service Commission, addressing previously raised concerns related to it its planned carbon capture pipeline.

Earlier this year, it was reported that Summit Carbon Solutions had secured 80% of the necessary right-of-way for the project. This highlighted its effort to adjust the pipeline route and take the state’s requests into consideration.

In September 2023, the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission (PC) denied Summit Carbon Solutions’ permit application. Since the rejection, Summit Carbon Solutions has announced plans to re-apply for the permit.

Lee Blank, CEO of Summit Carbon Solutions, said, “The momentum will continue as we prepare to file our South Dakota permit application in early July. We look forward to engaging with the state throughout this process and are confident in a successful outcome.”

Summit Carbon Solutions is partnering with 57 ethanol plants across five states and has signed voluntary easement agreements with 75% of Iowa landowners along this route. The company has said it will continue to work with landowners.

North American CO2 Summit 2024

Join gasworld in September 2024 as our North American CO2 Summit heads to Nashville. More information including our theme and agenda will be released over the coming weeks – you can register your interest to ensure you stay updated.

Our North American CO2 Summit 2023 agenda was focused on how to source, move and use CO2 more effectively and sold out, so we recommend securing your space.

Interested in speaking and contributing? Get in touch with our Content Director, Rob Cockerill, at [email protected]

To attend, sponsor and for more information, visit https://bit.ly/GWCO2NA-S24 

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