
SOL directors approve “positive” results


Consolidated Sales € 596.3m (+2.3% vs €583.0m in 2012), EBITDA €131.8m (22.1% on sales), EBIT €53.5m (9.0% on sales), Consolidated Net Profit of €21.6m (€29.0m in 2012).

These are highlights of the consolidated figures approved today by the Board of Directors of SOL S.p.A., a company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange that acts as holding company to a multinational group, with more than 2,600 employees, involved in the area of technical gases and home-care assistance, operating in Europe and in India.

At the upcoming shareholders’ meeting, called for the 12th of May in Monza, the company’s Board of Directors will propose distribution of a dividend of €0.10 per ordinary share (equal to 2012), to be paid since the 22nd of May 2014.

In a climate of economic recession in many European countries especially during the first nine months of year 2013, Sol Group achieved a growth of 2.3% in sales volume compared to the prior year.

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