The Nova Scotia project is targeting 150,000 tonnes of SAF per year
The Nova Scotia project is targeting 150,000 tonnes of SAF per year

Simply Blue to turn Goldboro LNG site into SAF hub

Simply Blue Group plans to turn the Goldboro site in Nova Scotia, Canada – formerly proposed as the Goldboro Liquified Natural Gas project – as the location for its major sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) hub.

The development marks a significant step in the Ireland-based company’s strategic expansion into North America.

Approximately 755 acres of contiguous land have been secured by Simply Blue Group for development in Goldboro: 266 acres previously owned by Pieridae and 489 acres owned by the Municipality of the District of Guysborough.

Goldboro will utilise renewable electricity generated from Simply Blue Group’s solar and wind farms in the Municipality of the District of St. Mary’s.

A dedicated transmission line will connect these facilities, ensuring a flow of self-produced power.

This renewable energy, along with Nova Scotia’s sustainable biomass and water resources, will be used to produce approximately 150,000 tonnes of SAF per year.

Tory Rushton, Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables, said Nova Scotia is poised to become a leader in green hydrogen.

He said, “We’re pleased to see Simply Blue Group investing in this budding new industry in Nova Scotia. They’re going to make a big difference in the transportation sector with aviation and marine fuel. And as a new market for our low-grade wood fibre, they will help our forestry sector be healthy and strong.”

Nova Scotia has an abundance of residual biomass: renewable organic material that comes from plants. It contains carbon and hydrogen – both of which are required to make sustainable aviation fuel.

Todd Burgess, Interim Executive Director at Forest Nova Scotia, said by providing a stable, long-term market for residual biomass, Simply Blue Group is allowing Nova Scotian woodlot owners the ability to manage their woodlots better. 

Hugh Kelly, CEO & Co Founder of Simply Blue Group, said the SAF produced will play an essential part in reducing dependence on fossil fuels and combating climate change.

He continued: “SAF is a drop-in fuel that matches the performance of conventional jet fuel while reducing greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 90% compared to conventional jet fuel.”

Michael Galvin, Chief Operating Officer (COO) – Hydrogen and Sustainable Fuels, said a lot of work has gone on in the background with three years of due-diligence and engineering completed, and it has already signed a supply agreement with Wagner Forest NS to act as an agent in sourcing 700,000 tonnes of green biomass per year.

Laurel Broten, CEO of Invest in Canada, looked forward to continuing to work with government partners at all levels to bring global companies to Canada.

The country currently consumes approximately 6.5 million tonnes of jet fuel per year, resulting in approximately 20 million tonnes per year of CO2 emissions.

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