© BOTAS / Shell
© BOTAS / Shell

Shell and BOTAS sign 10-year LNG supply deal

Shell has signed a 10-year liquefied natural gas (LNG) deal with Turkish state-owned oil and gas company BOTAS.

Under terms of the signed deal, Shell will supply BOTAS with four million cubic meters of LNG a year from its global portfolio of LNG facilities.

Deliveries are expected to start in 2027.

Turkey’s Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Alparslan Bayraktar, said that the agreement signed with Shell will increase the country’s diversity and flexibility.

“Our goal in natural gas, 99% of which we import, is to diversify the supply side and offer natural gas to our citizens and industry at a more competitive and affordable rate,” he said.

“In this context, we have strengthened our infrastructure with international pipelines, LNG terminals, and underground storage projects.”

Shell has LNG supply projects – either in operation or under construction – in 10 countries and wants to grow its LNG business by 20% to 30% by 2030, compared with 2022.

Read more: Shell LNG volumes spur quartlerly earnings rise

Wael SAWAN, CEO of Shell PLC, said, “Building on 100 years of Shell in Türkiye, we are pleased to work with BOTAŞ and supply LNG as it diversifies Turkey’s sources of natural gas.”

Back in May, BOTAS signed a similar deal with ExxonMobil. The deal will see Exxon supply BOTAS with 2.5 million tonnes of US LNG per annum over a 10-year period.

Read more: Turkey’s BOTAS signs US LNG deal with ExxonMobil

According to the US Department of State, Turkey is the seventh largest purchaser of US LNG exports worldwide and an emerging regional energy hub.

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