© UN Development Programme
© UN Development Programme

Serbia biomethane potential mapped out from scratch


The UN Development Programme has released a thorough report into Serbia’s biogas and biomethane potential – although in the case of the latter, it’s from a standing start.

Currently no biomethane production plants are in operation, and Germany’s Wabio Technologie is the only one building a plant in Srpska Crnja – and that won’t be ready until next year. Biogas is comparatively further on, with 35 plants up and running, though its potential is also relatively untapped.

Nonetheless the report outlines a timeframe of biomethane production targets, starting at 31.9 ktoe in the short term (up to 2027), rising to 186.5 ktoe in the medium term (2030) and 364.7 ktoe in the long term (2050).

The production cost of biogas at potentially reconstructed existing biogas plants in Serbia would amount to up to €90MWh, and the required income to ensure profitable operation with a return should be increased by at least 15%.

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