
Scandinavian Biogas injects $30m into northern Europe’s largest Bio-LNG plant


Nordic biogas producer Scandinavian Biogas will accelerate development of a Swedish liquefied biogas (Bio-LNG) plant with a 300 million SEK ($30m) investment.

Set for completion in 2023, the plant currently produces 220 GWh (gigawatt hours) of Bio-LNG per year and is regarded as the largest of its kind in northern Europe.

Biogas from the plant, based in Gladö Kvarn, Sweden, will be sent to Scandinavian Biogas for liquefaction, along with biogas from the production plant in Henriksdal in Stockholm.

Equipment used to liquefy the natural gas will be supplied by industrial gas giant Air Liquide while different elements of the project will see contributions from Gasnätet Stockholm and Stockholm Water and Waste.

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