Last month we looked at the Central & Eastern Europe gases business, a market worth around $2.3bn in 2008 gas revenues. Now, however, we turn our attentions to the industrial gas markets of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
The Ukraine forms a key part of our analysis this month, together with Russia and ‘other’ CIS countries such as Kazakhstan. The country saw industrial gas revenues grow 12% year-on-year in 2008, as revenues grew from $72m in 2007 to around $81m in 2008.
This is an industrial gas market dominated by The Linde Group in terms of the major Tier 1 players, based on 2007 figures. The company operated with around a 27% share of the Ukraine market in 2007, compared to the 5% market share of the Messer Group for example.
This is put in the shade, however, when considering the market dominance of the independent producers and distributors – independent producers account for up to 46% of the market and independent distributors around 22% respectively.
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