© Pulsa
© Pulsa

Pulsa wins trio of awards for CO2 monitoring in the restaurant sector


Telemetry system specialist Pulsa has received three awards for its carbon dioxide (CO2) tank level monitoring system for restaurants.

The company was awarded Innovator of the Year from IoT Breakthrough, Best in Restaurant Tech from Global Tech, and Best Remote Inventory Consumption Measurement Solutions Provider from the Corporate Excellence Awards.

Pulsa’s CO2 Guard was one innovation recognised. The technology combines advanced sensors that monitor CO2 tank levels with a system that combines advanced sensors to monitor CO2 tank levels with a platform for real-time data and actionable insights.

With this, it helps users monitor in real-time, set alerts for leaks or low levels, and manage inventory. This reduces CO2 deliveries, avoids emergency fees, and lets staff focus on customers rather than equipment.

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