What is the importance of using an oxygen enrichment detector in hospital wards? With the current pandemic of Covid-19 affecting nearly every country in the world, health officials are releasing daily updates and guidelines to combat the virus.
The latest UK government guidelines highlights the hazard of increased oxygen in wards due to the high density of ventilators. This has been highlighted as a potential combustion risk by many leading health officials.
Latest statement from the UK Government states: “The density of ventilators may enrich the air with oxygen, increasing the combustion risk. Ensure there is good natural and mechanical ventilation.” The guidelines go further to state that “teams should carry out regular monitoring of potentially exposed rooms to ensure oxygen enrichment is controlled”.Unfortunately, you cannot solely rely on ventilation to ensure a safe working atmosphere. This is where a fixed gas detection system decreases the inevitable safety gap. An Oxygen enrichment detector will continuously monitor the area for increased levels of oxygen and will initiate ventilation control when the oxygen level increases. If the ventilation fails then the second alarm will initiate, which can be connected to the site wide BMS or fire system.
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