
New white paper to highlight the future of CCUS

A new white paper released today highlights the evolving role of carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) in the fight against climate change. Titled ‘What can we do with CO2?’ and published by Endress+Hauser (E+H), the paper examines how CCUS technologies are advancing and the critical need for precise measurement systems to ensure their effectiveness.

As industries face increasing regulatory pressures to decarbonise, many are turning to CCUS as a potential solution. While renewable energy and efficiency improvements remain vital, the white paper suggests that they alone may not be enough to meet ambitious Net Zero targets. 

CCUS, which focuses on capturing CO2 emissions from industrial sources, utilising them for various products, or storing them permanently underground, offers a multifaceted approach. “The next phase of carbon reduction will not only come from avoiding emissions but from capturing and transforming them into something of value,” states the white paper.

The three core pillars of CCUS are rapidly advancing, but each step requires precision. The paper stresses that accurate measurement is the foundation of successful CCUS projects. Tools like Raman spectroscopy and tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) are essential to ensuring the safe and efficient capture, transport, and storage of CO2. “These technologies are not just monitoring tools; they are enablers of the entire CCUS process,” the company says.

Capture technologies: Post- and pre-combustion solutions

The first component, carbon capture, is already making headway in various industries. Post-combustion capture, the most mature method, is widely used in power plants and industrial facilities. It removes CO2 from flue gas using amine solvents, but the process remains energy-intensive. 

“The energy costs associated with amine regeneration are a hurdle that the industry is still working to overcome,” states E+H. Pre-combustion capture, although still in development, offers a more energy-efficient solution by separating CO2 before fuel combustion.

Pre-combustion process ©E+H

However, the white paper points out that these technologies, while promising, are not yet widely scalable. Pre-combustion capture, for instance, requires further advancements to improve cost-effectiveness.

Utilisation: Turning carbon into value

One of the most exciting prospects for CCUS is the utilisation of captured CO2. Instead of viewing it as a waste product, industries are increasingly using it in ways that generate value. Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is an example, where CO2 is injected into depleted oil fields to extract additional resources while simultaneously storing the gas underground. 

However, EOR is not without its risks. The paper cautions about the potential environmental dangers, including the threat of CO2 leakage and induced seismicity. “Careful monitoring is essential for ensuring the safety of these operations,” the white paper warns.

In addition to EOR, the white paper also explores the possibility of using CO2 to create materials such as concrete, plastics and fuels. These products could potentially reduce reliance on traditional fossil fuels. However, market demand and production costs remain challenges, alongside the need for sustainable practices that don’t simply shift the environmental burden elsewhere.

When reuse is not viable, storage remains the last step in CCUS. Geological storage, the most mature method, involves injecting CO2 into underground formations such as depleted oil and gas reservoirs or saline aquifers. This method has shown promise, but it requires meticulous monitoring and regulatory oversight to mitigate risks such as leaks or groundwater contamination.

Another emerging technology is mineral carbonation, which mimics natural geological processes by converting CO2 into stable carbonates. Although this approach offers long-term storage potential, it is currently energy-intensive and faces scalability issues. The white paper acknowledges that while geological storage remains the most feasible option, alternative methods will need to be explored as the technology matures.

Measurement: The backbone of CCUS

At the heart of these processes is the need for precise measurement systems. Raman spectroscopy and TDLAS play key roles in ensuring the success of CCUS projects by providing accurate, real-time data on CO2 concentrations and purity. According to E+H, these tools are “not just helpful but essential for safe and efficient carbon capture and storage.”

Raman spectroscopy, for instance, helps analyse gas compositions and detect impurities, while TDLAS ensures real-time monitoring at critical points such as pipelines and storage facilities. Together, they form a framework that allows CCUS projects to operate safely and efficiently, minimising the risks associated with carbon transport and storage.

The white paper also stresses the importance of government incentives, carbon pricing, and private-sector investment to drive the widespread adoption of CCUS. “Without these drivers, CCUS remains an economic impossibility for many industries,” the company states.

The full white paper can be downloaded here

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