
New website for Weldability-SIF


The British based firm, Weldability-SIF, has released a new website: www.weldability-sif.com The company specialises in the supply of MIG, TIG, MMA, Spot and Oxy/Fuel welding and Plasma cutting machines, torches, accessories, consumables and personal protective equipment.
The website changes include faster page loading, easier navigation, cross browser compatibility and is now multi-lingual to 17 different languages. Furthermore, the site now features a ‘Knowledge Base’ to answer in-depth technical questions about welding and welding processes including materials and products.
The new distributor e-commerce system also enables on-line order tracking, the downloading of FOC product test certificates when required and the capability to assign products to be delivered to a nominated site address- thereby reducing distributor handling costs.
The company now offers an online shopping basket facility that can be built on for up to 7 days enabling a weekly ordering system to be created on-line. Similarly a full history of previous orders helps users keep tabs of previous orders.

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