© Messer
© Messer

Messer granted injunction to maintain helium supply from CHEU amid cliffside negotiations

Messer Americas has been granted a temporary injunction and will continue to operate the Crude Helium Enrichment Unit (CHEU) at the former federal helium system.

Announcing the decision today (12th September), the industrial gas company said the decision was granted by the 108th District Court in Potter County, Texas.

Messer Helium Cliffside and Cliffside Refiners will now negotiate terms related to the CHEU while continuing the asset, described as a central piece of machinery.

If Messer Helium Cliffside and the CRLP do not reach a reasonable commercial solution, however, it is believed that the domestic helium supply could be threatened.

Chris Ebeling, Executive Vice-President of Sales and Marketing, North America, at Messer Americas, described the decision as a positive step toward a stable and reliable helium market in the US.

“We will work to negotiate a long-term agreement in good faith with the CRLP and expect all partners to put the best interest of the partnership before individual commercial interests to protect long-term, continued supply of this valuable resource.”

News of the court decision follows Messer Helium Cliffside last month (August 2024) being granted a temporary restraining order to prevent the shutdown of the formal federal helium system, which it acquired from the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Read more: Air Products could ‘deprive’ companies of privately-owned helium access, says Messer

Prior to the temporary restraining order, the BLM’s lease of the crude helium enrichment unit (CHEU) from Cliffside Refiners Limited Partnership (CRLP) was set to expire on 11th August.

Without a temporary injunction, Messer could have been forced to shut down the BLM system, removing a large amount of product from the market.

When noting the importance of the CHEU, Messer notes that global access to helium from the largest international suppliers, Russia and Qatar, will remain tenuous if sanctions persist and unrest in the Middle East escalates.


Helium Super Summit

 Join gasworld in October 2024 as our Helium Super Summit heads to Houston. More information, including our theme and agenda, will be released over the coming weeks – you can register your interest to ensure you stay updated.

Our Helium Super Summit 2023 agenda was focused on the most significant challenges facing the helium business in 2023/24 and the uncertainty that hangs over the market and its array of end-users. Our 2023 summit has had over 400 attendees and is sold out, so we recommend securing your space. You can book your ticket or register interest here https://bit.ly/gasworldconferences .

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