
MEECO goes global with four new distributors


MEECO Inc., a manufacturer of moisture analysers, has announced plans to broaden its global network by gaining partner distributors in Europe.
MEECO’s four new distributors include Bent Messtechnik GmbH in Germany, APT in Italy, Systemy Pomiarowo-Analityczne (SPA) in Poland and the Swedish company, OmniProcess AB.
Lisa Bergson, MEECO Chief Executive, remarked, “As the trusted name in moisture analysis for 62 years, our customers know we have a well established distribution network to support their moisture analysis needs. We are proud to add Bernt Messtechnik GmbH, APT, SPA, and OmniProcess AB to the MEECO family of world-class distributors.”
MEECO manufactures analytical equipment for several key industries, including; the semiconductor sector, chemical markets, as well as industrial and natural gas industries. The Firm was founded in 1948 as the Manufacturers Engineering and Equipment Co. The Company was an early proponent of instruments that are used to measure trace moisture in solids, natural gas and industrial speciality gases.

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