©Linde plc
©Linde plc

Linde recognised for water security and climate change efforts


Linde has achieved a “leadership” score for its approach to both water security and climate change.

The industrial gas giant was awarded recognition by CDP, a global non-profit organisation that annually evaluates companies based on current and emerging best practices for disclosure, awareness, and management of environmental risks.

CDP scored Linde at the leadership level for its 2023 disclosure, with the company achieving ‘A-’ for both water security and climate change. More than 23,000 organisations disclosed via CDP in 2023.

Tamara Brown, Vice-President of Sustainability at Linde, said, “We are proud to see this validation of Linde’s environmental commitment. Every day, we strive to sustain and protect our planet by achieving our targets and helping our customers improve their environmental footprint.”

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