
Linde and BMW tackle welding at Canadian conference


A representative from Linde Canada, a member of the wider Linde Group, is set to address the Canadian Welding Association Conference (CWA) in Collingwood, Ontario. During the presentation, an expert from Linde will explain how the company was able to demonstrate improved weld quality at a BMW plant in Germany.
The CWA Conference will be held at the Blue Mountain Resort Hotel in Collingwood between 26th – 28th September 2010. The overall conference focus will be towards welding technology advancements that increase efficiency, productivity and global competitiveness.
Christoph Matz, Project Engineer at Linde’s Development Centre in Unterschleissheim, Germany, will be the expert on hand. He shall be sharing results of a recently completed demonstration using oxygen-doped argon-helium gas mixtures in MIG welding of BMW aluminium automotive structures.
Matz commented, “Aluminium is constantly becoming more and more important in many areas of the manufacturing industries, particularly in transportation where reduced weight and comfort are critical.”
He continued, “Linde offers more than gas molecule. The BMW project is just one example of how we provide solutions for customers. Linde has many welding experts who can work on specific welding challenges to help our customers improve their welding economics and competitive advantage at the same time.”

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