
Largest H2 bus fleet unveiled


Europe’s largest hydrogen fuel cell bus fleet was officially launched at the All-Energy 2014 exhibition and conference in Aberdeen this week, marking a major milestone for the Aberdeen Hydrogen Bus Project, in which BOC is a key partner.

The Aberdeen City Council-led bus project, which is being part-funded by the Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Joint Undertaking, the UK’s innovation agency, the Technology Strategy Board, the council, the Scottish Government, as well as a range of other public and private sector partners, will be the largest single demonstration of hydrogen fuel cell buses in Europe.

This project will position Aberdeen as pioneers in zero emission public transport in the UK and provide a pathway to long-term improvements in air quality. It is the most high profile of a range of projects designed to create a sustainable hydrogen economy in the city and act as a catalyst for other projects in the region and beyond.

BOC, a member of The Linde Group and the UK & Ireland’s largest supplier of industrial gases and related equipment, is installing a state-of-the-art hydrogen refuelling station just outside Aberdeen city centre in order to fuel the bus fleet.

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