
Johnson Matthey and thyssenkrupp Uhde partner on blue ammonia technology


Johnson Matthey (JM) and thyssenkrupp Uhde have joined forces to develop a fully integrated blue ammonia solution by combining their own respective technologies.

Under a signed Memorandum of Understanding announced today (20th May), the duo will merge JM’s LCH technology and thyssenkrupp Uhde’s uhde® ammonia process to produce blue ammonia with up to 99% carbon dioxide (CO2) capture.

Alberto Giovanzana, Managing Director of Catalyst Technologies at Johnson Matthey, said the business is excited to offer the technology to allow its customers to produce ammonia with significantly less CO2.

He continued, “We know multiple routes are needed in the energy transition, and ammonia provides several options because it can be used directly in the power and shipping industries and as a hydrogen carrier to safely transport hydrogen to areas where it is not easy to produce.”

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