The South Pars field accounts for around 8% of global gas reserves
The South Pars field accounts for around 8% of global gas reserves

Iran starts piloting helium extraction


Iran has launched its first pilot project for extracting and purifying helium from natural gas.

Mohammad Eslami, Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), announced the operational launch of the project in Tehran on Wednesday, according to the Mehr news agency.

“Today, we witnessed the opening and commissioning of the pilot project to extract and purify helium from natural gas. After the completion of the project and the establishment of the first factory to churn out this product, Iran will join the list of countries that produce purified helium from natural gas,” he added.

Pointing to the AEOI’s roadmap prepared in coordination with the Oil Ministry, Eslami said, “We will work to build a plant with the specified design capacity.”

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