
India Hydrogen Alliance expands membership, welcomes leading industry players


India Hydrogen Alliance (IH2A) has broadened its coalition by welcoming six new members, enhancing its efforts to develop the hydrogen ecosystem in India.

Sumitomo Corporation India, Worley Limited, Jindal Renewable Power, HPCL-Mittal Energy Limited (HMEL), law firm Trilegal and Cochin Shipyard Limited have joined the 26-member strong alliance. 

Now including 16 industry members and 10 partner organisations, IH2A membership spans the global and Indian hydrogen value chain, working with central and state government agencies to advance India’s hydrogen economy.

This expansion follows IH2A’s recent submission of key reports to the Government of India, including the $5bn National Green Hydrogen Hub Economic Viability and Development Plan and the $50bn Hydrogen Equipment and Exports Potential Report. 

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