
Helix Exploration reports ‘significantly elevated’ helium levels in Montana

Helix Exploration has reported “significantly elevated” helium while drilling its Clink #1 well within the Montana Helium Fairway.

The Clink #1 well is in the Charles formation at a depth of 5,150ft with drilling continuing. Significant elevated helium was identified in multiple gas-shows, from 4,860 reaching peach values at 130 times over background level.

Additionally, Helix said that significant elevated helium was also identified while drilling in the Amsden formation at a depth of 3,885 ft, with peak readings at over 50 times background level.

The Amsden formation has previously been drilled and tested for gas in the Hilliston #1 well, roughly 200 metres east of current operations at the Clink #1 well.

The Hilliston #1 well tested a 195ft column of non-flammable gas from the Amsden formation at a high flow rate and minimal pressure loss over 30 days. The gas was tested at approximately 80% nitrogen and was not assayed for helium.

In a statement, Helix said that the detection of a helium gas show over these internals confirms the presence of helium within the previously identified gas system.

Helix is now drilling on to the primary target in the Flathead formation at around 7,410 ft and had a planned total depth of around 8,000 ft. The company said drilling is progressing well and remains on schedule.

In June 2024, Helix acquired new acreage in Hill County, Montana, to further expand its helium exploration portfolio. The company purchased 5,600 acres at the Rudyard Project for $250,000 and 600,000 new shares.

Helium has been discovered from two wells in a 640-acre section on the northern anticline and adjacent to the Rudyard Project.

Both wells tested favourably for helium grade and overall flow rates, though these wells are not included in the current Rudyard Project acquisition.

Read more: Helix Exploration expands helium portfolio with new acerage

Helium Super Summit

Join gasworld in October 2024 as our Helium Super Summit heads to Houston. More information, including our theme and agenda, will be released over the coming weeks – you can register your interest to ensure you stay updated.

Our Helium Super Summit 2023 agenda was focused on the most significant challenges facing the helium business in 2023/24 and the uncertainty that hangs over the market and its array of end-users. Our 2023 summit has had over 400 attendees and is sold out, so we recommend securing your space. You can book your ticket or register interest here https://bit.ly/gasworldconferences .

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