
Hawaii’s first hydrogen station is now under construction


According to widespread reports, Hawaii has begun constructing its very first public hydrogen (H2) fuelling station.

The station will be located in Mapunapuna and will enable the state to start selling hydrogen (H2) fuelled cars by 2018. The Honolulu-based company Servco Pacific is responsible for the construction works, which are estimated to be completed by early 2018.

The initiative follows closely behind Toyota’s recent release of the Mirai, the emission-free, H2 vehicle which can go for 312 miles on one tank.

Mark Fukunaga, Chairman and CEO of Servco Pacific Inc. said, “Servco’s construction of Oahu’s first publicly accessible H2 station demonstrates our belief in the potential for fuel cell vehicles in Hawaii”. He added, “H2 vehicles offer zero carbon emissions and zero compromise on fast refuelling and driving range”.

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