
Foster Wheeler gains ‘vote of confidence’ and wins contract


Foster Wheeler AG’s Global Engineering and Construction Group has won a contract with Gulf Farabi Petrochemical Company to provide project management consultancy (PMC) services. The facilities will serve the Gulf Farabi’s Linear Alkyl Benzen (LAB) plant expansion at Al-Jubail in Saudi Arabia.
The contract value for the project remains undisclosed but will be incorporated into the company’s first-quarter 2010 fiscal results. Umberto della Sala, President and Chief Operating Officer of Foster Wheeler AG, commented, “Following on from our successful PMC role during the EPC phase of Gulf Farabi’s $350m grass roots n-paraffin and LAB project which came on-stream in 2006, we are very pleased to receive this latest contract which constitutes a strong vote of confidence in our project management skills.”
The new plant will offer a production capacity of 100,000 tonnes per annum of LAB – which in turn is used to create synthetic detergents. Phase one of the project incorporates the preparation and issue of an invitation to bid (ITB) for the engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCm), EPCm bid evaluations, preparation of the EPCm contract and support to Gulf Farabi during the engineering and procurement phase of the project. During the subsequent second phase, Foster Wheeler will aid Gulf Farabi during the construction phase, with key personnel manning the site from 2010 to its completion in 2011.
Mohammed Al-Bibi, President of Gulf Farabi Petrochemical Company Limited, was positive about the agreement. He said, “Foster Wheeler’s contribution to our previous project is commendable and we are going ahead with this winning combination for our expansion project.”

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