
Conference gains “record attendance”


Flow-Cal achieved record attendance at their fifteenth annual Users Group conference. The conference, held in the Uptown/Galleria area of Houston, brought in over 300 industry leaders and 70 companies at this year’s event.

The Flow-Cal Advisory Board (FAB-8) and Flow-Cal planned the three day event to include a series of roundtable discussions and informative classes focusing on both the measurement industry and the Flow-Cal suite of products. Attendees included gas and liquid measurement leaders from around the globe representing each industry sector; Production, Midstream, Transmission, and Distribution (LDC). Flow-Cal’s international clients made the trip to Houston, including representation from Trinidad and Tobago.

The industry participation in the conference topics has grown, and Flow-Cal clients led classes by sharing case studies and their actual experiences, helping attendees identify ways to more effectively use the Flow-Cal application suite. The roundtable sessions, led by the FAB-8 directors, provided a platform for the attendees to discuss the changing industry and Flow-Cal’s future direction of their applications.

As part of this year’s program, former Astronaut Colonel Brian Duffy addressed the conference as the keynote speaker. Colonel Duffy discussed his space missions and spoke on the importance of accurate measurement in aerospace much like in the energy industry.   

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