Ballard Power Systems has signed a contract with CALSTART for a Ballard 30kW FCveloCity®-MD fuel cell module to be used in a trial and development programme involving UPS Class-6 delivery vans in California’s South Coast Air Basin, including much of the Greater Los Angeles area.
Funding for the project is being provided by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) as part of its efforts to reduce harmful air pollution.
“SCAQMD’s technology advancement programmes have helped to ensure wide-scale deployment of low- and zero-emission heavy duty on-road technologies, including all classes of trucks and buses, to clean the air in the South Coast basin,” said Wayne Nastri, SCAQMD’s Executive Officer. “Greater deployment of fuel cell vehicles is expected to provide a reduction of pollutants, especially in disadvantaged communities that are disproportionately exposed to harmful diesel emissions.”
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